Professional bailiffs shall have competence on all duties provided for by this Law everywhere in the Republic of Rwanda:
1. to execute judicial decisions, decisions of competent administrative organs as well as other enforcement orders;
2. to carry out the recovery of the debts relating to contractual or legal obligations, or which draw their origin with a rendered judgment bearing an enforcement formula;
3. to proceed to the service of documents prescribed by the law when requested in accordance with the law by any interested person;
4. to seize or sell by auction of the movable and immovable property within the framework of execution of judicial decisions, decisions of competent administrative organs and other enforcement orders;
5. to obtain from the court registrar offices or the mediation committees the copies of the judgments or decisions of mediation committees, copies or extracts of the items added to the judicial file upon request of the interested person;
6. to issue acts relating to debts recovery within the framework of execution of enforcement orders and the contractual obligations and notify them to the concerned persons;
7. to note and certify the status of any thing base on the order of the courts, Mediation Committees or on request of any interested person;
8. to carry out the expulsions ordered by a court decision and after completion of a public auction;
9. to request the President of the competent court to schedule the public auction;
10. to sell by auction movable and immovable property upon request by any individual;
11. to carry out any other duties provided for by the law.